Oral and Dental Treatments

Digital Smile Design

Reshape your teeth’s size, color, and alignment with digital technology.

Aesthetic Dentistry

Achieve a natural and aesthetic appearance for your teeth.

Dental Implants

Durable and long-lasting implants replace missing teeth.

Orthodontic Treatments

Correct your teeth aesthetically with clear aligners or fixed devices.

Pediatric Dentistry

Specialized dental care tailored for children.

Prosthetic Treatments

Natural-looking prosthetics replace missing teeth seamlessly.

Oral, Dental, and Jaw Treatments

Surgical treatment of all soft tissues in the mouth

Why Choose Us?

We stand by you on the journey to healthy smiles with our expertise.

DentX provides top-notch dental treatments using advanced technologies and high standards. Our expert dentists design customized solutions for each patient, achieving both aesthetic and functional results.

We take pride in offering a comfortable treatment process in our modern clinics.

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